Hey Beautiful! Welcome to the BodyShop!
Hey Beautiful! Welcome to the BodyShop!
Beautiful body Sculpting offers Non-Invasive Body Contouring such as Laser Lipo, Ultrasonic Cavitation, RF Skin Tightening, Cellulite Reduction Treatment, and more. Beautiful Body Sculpting is operated by a trained and certified body sculptor. All services offered are non-invasive, safe, and have no downtime! Normal activity can be resumed after all treatment. Check out Beautiful body Sculpting to achieve your body goals at a great price!
I am Lindsey, a body sculptor based at my Beautiful Body Shop in Murfreesboro TN area. Location is 2690 Memorial Blvd
Murfreesboro, TN 37129
United States CASH, PAYPAL, & CASHAPP are acceptable forms of payment.
All appointments must be cancelled at least 6hours in advance to re-book appointment without paying a new deposit. All deposits paid goes towards your appointment/booking. All deposits are NON-REFUNDABLE. No call/No show you will lose your deposit and will no longer be able to schedule with me. If you are later than 10 minutes without notice,appointment may be denied or time reduced due to other scheduled appointments.
*Changes or Additions may not be available at the appointment, please book accordingly.
If you have any questions/concerns please call or text me before booking @ 901-825-2160 please contact me to confirm with 20$ deposit!!! CashApp or PayPal